Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Duawne Speaks On How He Knew

Wedding Anniversary Date: October 7, 2001

How he knew his wife was the one for him:

I met my wife at age 19. I had just transferred from a small college in Maryland, to an even smaller college in Alabama. What I noticed first about her were her eyes. Not so much the color, though they are beautiful, but more so their intensity. When I looked into her eyes, I could see my future. Funny thing is, I don’t remember becoming friends with her. I just remember being friends with her. Ours was a great friendship because neither of us was available. I was dating someone else back home and so was she. This allowed us to get to know each other on an intimate level without physical intimacy, which was the foundation for what we share today.

I remember feeling comfortable with her from the very beginning. Being with her was not just fun, but easy. Neither of us had to fight for the other’s attention. It was generously given. I did not know then that I would marry her because I would not allow my mind to think of her as anything but a friend. Remember, I had a girlfriend at home who I loved and respected. But I grew to love my wife on a completely different level than my girlfriend. I just loved sharing the same space with her. I loved knowing that this really pretty girl was so incredibly cool at the same time. I loved that I could talk to her about whatever, and I really loved looking out for her. I even told her once that my children would call her 'Auntie' because I knew we would always be in each others lives. But I’m glad that they call her 'Mommy' instead.

10 years would pass between our meeting and our marriage. Long story short, she knew I was hers before I knew she was mine. Most women do. But when I knew...I really knew. Having fostered a solid friendship, I was afraid of exploring a relationship with her. I didn’t want to risk ruining what we had. But when she began dating a guy she had known all of her life, a casual friend of mine, I then realized that the possibility of us ever dating may never be. That made me uneasy.

At a wedding of a mutual friend we reconnected. She was a bridesmaid and I was the singer. As she came down the aisle, I was in awe of her. Though we had kept in touch we had not seen each other for a few years. She was now a woman – a very beautiful woman. She was the first bridesmaid to enter and I was singing, 'I want to spend tomorrow here with you', as she walked in. That day God gave me a foreshadow of what was to come. I saw her dressed in white coming to vow herself to me. For the rest of the day, I could not be away from her and when it was time to leave I did not want to. I always missed her when either of us left but this time I felt like pieces of me stayed with her. That day she took my heart home with her and didn’t even know it. I was afraid to tell her.

Nearly two years passed before I asked God who my wife was. I wanted to be with His choice for me. I had been dating and up to this point, all of my choices had proven to be inadequate. Unknowingly, I had been comparing every relationship to the woman my soul loves.

When I asked God, He answered me immediately. He said, 'Carmen'. It was as if He had been waiting for me to ask. 'How did I know it was God?' you may ask? It’s just like when my mom calls me on the phone. I don’t have to check the caller ID to figure out who I’m talking to. Because I’m in relationship with her I know her voice. And even if we were in a noisy, crowded room, I would still recognize her voice above all others because I’ve spent years with her. Her voice is familiar to me.

The same is true of God. When you spend time with Him you get to know Him and how He speaks as it relates to you. Not only did God speak it, but He also confirmed it through the mouths of three others. It was made more than clear that Carmen was His choice for me. And when I reflect on the decade of friendship we shared prior to our covenant day, she had always been my choice for me as well.”

What he loves about her mind: It's sharp and ever-seeking to expand. It is attentive to whatever the task. Be it one or many, she starts smart and finishes strong.

What he loves about her body: In her eyes is God’s reflection. In her smile there’s a radiance quite like the sun. In her arms there is such safety. In her heart is a special place for me alone.

What he loves about her spirit: It's free. It soars without any reservations and is always focused on the big picture. It sees the good in all things.

Duawne's advice to single men about marriage:

"My brothers, your standard of perfection will never measure up to God’s. Some of you are afraid to trust Him with choosing a mate for you because you know He does not have the same hang ups that you do. When you realize the weight of a husband’s role, you will not want to make that choice based on your own intellect. The husband is called to love. Love is service. Love will carry the weight, and keep believing when everything looks hopeless. Love will not give up when your wife wants to. Love will be patient with her as she is transforming, and will be kind to her even when she’s not. Love seeks no glory but will take the back seat and let her shine. Love will keep you faithful even when it’s being thrown at you. The level of spirituality in your household is directly proportionate to your faith in God. If you don’t believe your marriage will be successful, how can she?

As well, a husband’s role is to lead. I guarantee your wife will follow you if you lead her, but you must first be led of God. I have noticed that if I don’t lead on some things, my wife will not. Not because she cannot, but because she’s not supposed to. I am responsible for bringing God into our home, not her. And as with Adam, if there is a deviation from God’s plan for our marriage, He will come to me and ask what happened. When it’s all said and done and the trumpet sounds God will ask me, 'Where is Carmen? Where is the family I gave you?' I want to be able to say, 'Right here next to me. You’ve trusted me with them and I’ve led them to You'.

A husband is the house band. You are the one responsible for holding it all together. Do not take that lightly. Do not allow yourself to be displaced or replaced. The enemy wants to ruin your marriage. Don’t let him. Cover your wife completely and never give her a reason to question your love and loyalty to her. When you do this, God will bless your union and your marriage will be a testament to the Kingdom and not a deterrent from it.


  1. I am over here swelling up in my throat. That is a true testament of what God can do. He puts us through these tests to make us realize that what was in front of us was there all along. Those test that Duawne went through made it more attainable and more secure about the choices he made. All we have to do is trust him and believe in his word!!

  2. That is beautiful and inspiring. Your wife is truly blessed. I love when you say "I am responsible for bringing God into our home, not her", I think that is one area that many husbands take for granted.. Typically, most of the time the people we see praying and being faithful to God are women, so it would seem as though the wife is responsible for bringing God into the home. But oh, what a difference understanding makes. Seeing your husband live up to God's standards and following the commands of God not only increases a wife's respect for her husband but it also increases her ability/willingness to submit to her husband, thus creating a peaceful more fruitful home.

