Tuesday, February 3, 2009

David Speaks On How He Knew

Wedding Anniversary Date: December 12, 2005

How he knew his wife was the one for him:

This was a question I had asked my father in relation to my mother. He told me that he saw her at a Christmas party and something took over him. It was a feeling that he could only describe as absolute certainty. So he went up to her and told her that she was his wife. She thought he was crazy. One year later, they were married...and then came me. I must admit I thought he was crazy, too. Until I met my wife.

We met through mutual friends who thought that we would 'get along'. I was doing a lot of casual dating and had no plans on slowing down. I took one look at her and I understood what my father meant. This woman was for me. We talked about lives, our goals, and our interests... we just clicked. I always thought 'love at first sight' was for psychos. This was bigger than me. This was ordained, and everything in my spirit told me so.

Oshena wasn't as convinced. She was a senior in college who was dating and had just gotten out of a five-year relationship. I didn't really push it, but we found ourselves wanting to be together much more than we wanted to be apart. We embraced each other's lives totally. Eight months later, at my grandmother's home in Philadelphia, I asked Oshena to marry me and I never looked back. It was the first and only time I had EVER brought a woman home to meet my family. Ironically, my grandparents married each other after only eight months.

We made a lot of mistakes. We moved in together. Looking back on it, if I had to do it all over again, I would never had shacked up with her because it clouded our relationship in the fog of sin. It is only by God's grace that we have a successful and blessed marriage. It took a lot of Holy Humbling to make me into the Spiritual Head of my house. It was the first time I had ever put anyone's needs ahead of my own.

My wife is the true meaning of helpmate. When I lost my job (several times), she was a constant supporter and my live-in reality check. I am a better person who is not only in a happy and growing marriage, but in a healthy and growing relationship with God.

What he loves about her mind: Oshena's mind is a perfect compliment to my thinking. She gives me a different perspective that I would not have considered had I not consulted her.

What he loves about her body: There's nothing on Oshena's body that I don't love. She is perfect to me. Her eyes are my favorite. They are green with a touch of hazel in them. It's like looking at a sunset in the Everglades.

What he loves about her spirit: Oshena brings a spirit of tenderness and caring into our lives that is infectious. She is the most fun person I've ever known.

David's advice to single men about marriage:

“I would say to men who want to have a successful marriage is to pray hard, rub your wife's feet, slow dance with her daily and let her know she is valued and appreciated. Above all else, be her friend as much as her shelter and lover. ”

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