Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stracee Speaks On How She Knew

Wedding Anniversary Date: August 15, 1996

How she knew her husband was the one for her:

Even as a young girl, I had aspirations of being a great wife and mother. Don't misunderstand, I had educational and career-oriented goals as well...but having a solid family has always been important to me. So, when I prayed to God about who my husband would be, I knew he had to have the same beliefs in God, family, and marriage.

When I met my husband, I did not immediately think he was the one. I actually thought he was pretending to be someone he was not. I thought , 'He's good looking, he's nice, but I'm sure there's a fool in there somewhere.' Well, he may drive me crazy sometimes, but he is definitely no fool.

A few days before I met him, I had a dream that I was getting married but I could not see the groom's face. I never really thought much about that dream until later on in our relationship. It was going to take more than a dream for me to know. For me, I knew he would be my husband when I saw him interact with my family. I come from a highly maternal family which can breed a struggle for control. He was great with them. He got along well with my parents, but it was how my grandmother discerned him that made me take a realistic look at who he was and who he could be.

My grandmother passed away in 1995, but she always spoke highly of my husband and called him 'Son'. My grandmother was always kind to everyone, but she did not invite everyone into our family circle. This was definitely a privilege. From that point, I paid more attention to what God and family meant to him. It was then that I saw we had the same beliefs.

Now, did we move in God's timing? No, and we have had to go through and overcome avoidable hardship because of that, but at the end of the day, we share the same beliefs. We stand on the same foundation...we believe we must operate in the principles of God...we cannot stop communicating no matter what...oh, and laughter is critical.

What she loves about his mind: He is a critical thinker. He says the most profound things. I don't think he knows the depth of his intellect.

What she loves about his body: His hands are soothing like a hot cup of tea on a cold rainy day. They calm me and can heal the deepest sense of hurt. I also love his lips. They are just plain beautiful!

What she loves about his spirit: He is so very generous. He will literally give you the shirt off his back.

Stracee's advice to single women about marriage:

“Three things my grandmother used to say to me were 'Talk sweet, look nice, and don't spend up all his money'. I took these to heart while dating and especially in my marriage. Ladies, it is important to just be nice. I come across so many women with bad attitudes and backbiting spirits. It is very unbecoming and attracts confusion. No man wants to be around that. I believe it talks in Proverbs of sweet words being healing to the bones. Being kind and genuinely complimenting your mate does so much for him in the natural and in the spiritual realm.

Don't let yourself go. Look nice. I believe this is self-explanatory.

Lastly, a broke man is never satisfied and a man that feels like your ATM will eventually become disengaged and resentful. One more thing: Get to know your mate's family. Listen to family stories and what they say your mate was like growing up. Watch how he interacts with his family. This will give you insight into what characteristics your mate has and has the potential to show.

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